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The student was not participating at all and engaged to something else. Should I post lesson memo for this?

Inhale. Exhale. Remain Calm.


That's a great start to deal with this situation, according to the Teaching Quality article: "How To Handle Difficult Students"


On the Lesson marking side, you may consider doing these tips in class:

1. Get the attention of the parent and kindly ask for assistance as Parental Involvement is still important.


2. If not possible, you may think of creative ways to get the student's attention be diverted to the lesson and adjust teaching styles.


3. If lesson was still not accepted by the student, you may conduct a responsible and careful Free Talk class.


4. If there was at least 10 minutes continuous lesson, you may POST A LESSON MEMO.


On the other hand, if the student did not really participated at all after doing your best to engage him, you may MARK THE STUDENT ABSENT. Just please make sure to save screenshots while conducting the class for documentation purposes.

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